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 Data current at 8:34am 10/22/24 in the Central Time Zone

 Station is a Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus with fan & heater, WeatherLink 6.0.3

Current Values at Lee's Summit ,MO
  38° 56' 16" N
  94° 20' 50" W
 Elevation: 950 ft

Current Outside Temperature  Temperature History

Current Outside Humidity  Current Outside Dewpoint   Current Wind Chill  Current Heat Index

THSW History

Current Wind Direction    10Min Avg Wind Speed

Current Barometer  Barometer History

Current Solar Radiation  Today's Rain  Storm Rain Total  Current Rain Rate 

 Monthly Rain Total  Yearly Rain Total

Sunrise 7:33a
Sunset 6:29p
64.0 °F
58 %
48.9 °F
Wind SSW at
Barometer Steady
29.793 in.
Wind Chill
64.0 °F
Heat Index
62.9 °F
THW Index
62.9 °F
Sol. Radiation
107 W/m²
UV Index
Today's Rain
0.00 in.
Rain Rate
0.00 in/hr
Storm Total
0.00 in.
Monthly Rain
0.00 in.
Yearly Rain
4.49 in.
Today's Highs/Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

67.8 °F   at   12:00am

62.1 °F  at 7:18am

High Humidity

Low Humidity

58 %    at   7:48am

43 %   at   12:00am

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

49.0 °F   at   8:27am

44.0 °F  at   12:00am

High Barometer

Low Barometer

29.851 in. at 12:00am

29.780 in. at 7:44am

High Wind Speed

9.0 mph   at   1:55am

High Rain Rate

0.00in/hr    at  ----m

Low Wind Chill

62.0 °F   at 6:57am

High Heat Index

66.0 °F   at  12:00am

High THSW Index

65.0 °F   at   8:34am

High Solar Radiation

107W/m²  at   8:34am

High UV Index

0.0   at   ----m

This Year High/Low
High Temp
100.7 °F
Low Temp
-9.0 °F
High Wind
21.0 mph
Low Wind Chill
-21.0 °F
Hi Heat Index
118.0 °F
Hi Solar Rad.
1264 W/m²
Hi UV Index
130.0 °F
High Humidity
100 %
Low Humidity
19 %
Hi Rain Rate
0.20 in/hr