Data current at 4:34pm 01/26/25 in the Central Time Zone Station is a Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus with fan & heater, WeatherLink 6.0.3 |
Current Values at Lee's Summit ,MO
38° 56' 16" N 94° 20' 50" W Elevation: 950 ft |
Sunrise 7:26a |
Sunset 5:34p |
Temperature |
33.1 °F |
Humidity |
45 % |
Dewpoint |
14.0 °F |
Wind NE
at |
2.0mph |
Barometer Falling Slowly |
30.301 in. |
Wind Chill |
30.6 °F |
Heat Index |
32.1 °F |
THW Index |
29.6 °F |
Sol. Radiation |
84 W/m² |
UV Index |
0.0 |
Today's Rain |
0.00 in. |
Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Storm Total |
0.00 in. |
Monthly Rain |
0.04 in. |
Yearly Rain |
0.04 in. |
Today's Highs/Lows | ||
High Temperature Low Temperature |
34.3 °F at 3:33pm 20.6 °F at 7:43am |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
68 % at 7:50am 44 % at 12:44pm |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
16.0 °F at 3:25pm 11.0 °F at 3:46am |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
30.403 in. at 9:44am 30.295 in. at 3:44pm |
High Wind Speed |
11.0 mph at 12:23am |
High Rain Rate |
0.00in/hr at ----m |
Low Wind Chill |
20.0 °F at 8:37am |
High Heat Index |
33.0 °F at 3:25pm |
High THSW Index |
39.0 °F at 3:25pm |
High Solar Radiation |
443W/m² at 1:28pm |
High UV Index |
1.1 at 11:58am |
This Year High/Low | ||
High Temp |
53.2 °F |
Low Temp |
-4.6 °F |
High Wind |
14.0 mph |
Low Wind Chill |
-9.0 °F |
Hi Heat Index |
52.0 °F |
Hi Solar Rad. |
659 W/m² |
Hi UV Index |
1.3 |
Hi THSW Ind |
60.0 °F |
High Humidity |
100 % |
Low Humidity |
32 % |
Hi Rain Rate |
0.01 in/hr |